Non-political Empire
Islam is a religion of peace. It is being misinterpreted as a religion that sanctions violence. Certain Muslims becoming victims of this ‘political interpretation of Islam’ justify using violence and perpetrating acts like suicide bombings. According to this ideology, it is a Muslim’s bounden duty to establish the political system of Islam all over the world, even if it involves the use of force. The political ideology presents Quranic teachings that are the subject of self-following to be implemented on others by force. Maulana explains that this is a form of ghulu extremism. It is a gross misinterpretation of Islamic scriptures. The Quran says, “Do not go to excess in your religion.” (4:171) Extremism, being against the spirit of religion, culminates in confrontation, war and violence. Moderation, the opposite of extremism, is closely interlinked with peace. Islam is a religion of peace, followed by one’s choice, not subject to enforcement. The material of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan places the concepts of Islam in their proper perspective. The only way to solve this problem is to present the Islamic ideology of peace to those Muslims engaged in violence based on the accurate interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah. It acts as a counter ideology and takes away the justification to perpetrate violence. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan and CPS members are re-engineering the minds of people. When people of extremist mindsets understand that Islam is a religion of peace that does not sanction violence, they leave violent activism on their own. Then they favour a peaceful course and strive towards endeavours like education and peaceful dawah.
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